Product ( 產品) : | Natural Jadeite Jade (Type A) 天然翡翠A玉 |
Place of origin (產地) : | Burma (緬甸) |
Jade colour (翡翠顔色): | Light Green, White (淡綠,白色) |
Jade Size (Dia. ): 翡翠尺寸(直徑): | 10mm x 18 pcs |
Transparency (透明度): | Translucent (半透明) |
Bracelet circumference: 周圍長度: | 14cm |
Gift:Item includes gift box and certificate
(Each product after discount over HK$10,000 are packaged with a Hong Kong Jade Certificate;
For each product less than HK$10,000, you can add HK$300 to apply for a Hong Kong certificate. )
1. All photos and videos are taken under indoor daylight and it is non-edited.
Do note that colour may differ from device to device. The eye protection function and blue light filter function of mobile phones will affect chromatic aberration. It is recommended to turn off this function before comparison.
2. Natural jade will show different color changes under different light.
3. Natural jade has textures, cloudy patches, impurities. It is unique.
4. We do our best to provide you with the full descriptions and measurements. Do read them carefully. For conversions of measurements, kindly goggle for the most suitable chart according to your preference.